The 7 Hells Krampus is now on Cameo! https://www.cameo.com/7hells
In legends from the Alpine Mountains, Krampus has doled out Holiday punishment to the naughty in the name of Saint Nicholas for over 1,000 years.
Of the many Krampus around the world, the 7 Hells Krampus may be the most well known. Each year he travels from the cold winter north all the way to Southern California where he has punished thousands of individuals at special events and media appearances for almost 15 years.
His iconic presence forebodes the naughty getting spanked or even taken away in his enormous basket, but now he has a new found ability to personalize messages to both the naughty and nice all over the world through Cameo! These can come in many different forms, such as: Behavior Reports, Roasts, Punishment, Pep Talks, and general Advice that only the World's favorite Christmas Demon can dispense! Fun for all ages, but do identify just how old or young the special recipient actually is.
Official Announcement Video: